The Museum Friends

“Throughout his adult life, Bar David collected Jewish sacred objects from all ethnic groups in Israel and combined with the Judaica collection built a beautiful and refined collection of Jewish and Israeli works of art. My parents’ apartment in Haifa became a small museum and a home for artists, art dealers and art lovers, and due to his deep and extensive knowledge In all aspects of the profession, these became his closest friends” (Rebeka Ziv, daughter of the collector Bar-David)

Visitors and friends of the Bar-David Museum Peace be upon you,
We, the museum staff, work hard to promote the museum as a unique culture and art center in the Galilee that combines Jewish tradition, culture and contemporary art.
The Shucharim and Friends of the Museum circle is a unique framework that was established with the aim of bringing together people who wish to support the activity and promotion of the museum located on the border and used by the entire population of the Galilee.
Membership in the circle guarantees a personal and close relationship with the museum that includes benefits, content events, activities and meetings that will provide an up-to-date view of the contemporary art field.
Your support funds will be used to produce exhibitions, promote museum education and produce events at the museum to strengthen and encourage culture and art in the periphery.

Join us and renew your membership in the circle for the preservation and promotion of the museum as an important and unique gem in the heart of the Galilee.
Fulfill the vision with us!

*Donations to the Shocharim Circle and Friends of the Bar-David Museum are recognized for income tax purposes.

Payment by check to the order:
Bar-David Institute of Jewish Art
shipping address:
Bar David Museum
Kibbutz Baram
D.N. From the Galilee
Postal code 1386000

For details and contact:
Avi Ifergan – director and curator of the museum

Mittal Kilmanik – director of the Shuchari and Friends of the Museum circle

The Shucharim and Friends of the Museum circle is interested in adding new members, those who consider themselves suitable and have contacts with potential donors for support and contribution to the museum.
For more details you can contact the email:

Choose Your Support

  • Museum Seeker 500₪

    annual individual/couple admission ticket to the museum

    Personal invitations to all museum openings and events.

    One personal tutorial at two of the exhibitions.

    30% discount on the purchase of museum catalogs

  • Museum Friend 1,000₪

    All rights of the museum visitor

    Two personal tutorials during the year at the new exhibitions.

    Prestigious Museum Collection Book

  • Silver Friend 2,000₪

    All rights Friend of the Museum up to four permanent members

    The mention of the name on the acknowledgments page on the museum website dedicated to donors

    Personal guided tour of the museum warehouses with the chief curator and the museum director

  • Gold Friend 5,000₪

    All Rights Money Friend

    Tour and guidance in two of the exhibitions for a group of up to 20 guests

    Crate of fine Galician wine

    Mention of the name as a thank you in all museum expenses for that year

  • Gold Business Friend 10,000₪

    All rights Golden friend

    Holding a private event at the museum (up to 100) people

    Personal tour of Kibbutz Baram and its factories

Joining form for the Friends of the Bar David Museum itineraries